Do the farmers, uh, expect us to work during Harvest?
Big time. Well, not BIG time, but yeah, you’ll be working. This is the busy time of year for farmers, and your hands will go a long way toward making their August a little bit easier. Tasks vary depending on your farm—you may find yourself harvesting potatoes, weeding beets, preparing beds, or any other number of tasks. Work days start on your farmer’s schedule (farmers start eeeeaaarly). Expect to be waking up around 6 or 7 am, and working from as early as 7 or 8am, until noon. You’ll then take a lunch break, and return to work for a couple more hours in the afternoon. It’s not always in the blistering sun—farmers and leaders ensure you’ll be comfortable and feel like you’re having fun!
Okay, sounds pretty manageable. What’s the weather going to be like during Harvest?
You read our minds, and honestly, we don’t know! In 2021, we had a (knock on wood) hurricane warning the day we were supposed to depart for farms. Be prepared for heat; be prepared for rain. New Haven, you’ll come to learn, can be a mixed bag of weather.  This said, August is New Haven can often be a hot time. Please be prepared to drink lots of water, wear sunscreen, and bring hydration tablets if you’re particularly prone to dehydration. We’ll be out in the sun a lot, and different farms have more shade available than other.
How do we sleep during Harvest? 
You’ll be sleeping in (truly gigantic) eight-person tents. Worry not—you’ll be tired by the end of the day, so you’ll sleep soundly.
Will I get to shower on Harvest?
It depends on your farm, (but not really!). If you have a water system, you may be able to take a dip. Some farms have river/lake access; others have hoses. You’ll of course have access to potable water, so how you use it is up to you. Bring baby wipes if you want to shower this way. 
What’s the bathroom situation?
You’ll have access to a port-a-john and handwashing station at your farm. For those who have contacts, it is recommended to bring a compact mirror if you are not comfortable putting on contacts without a mirror. 

While on Harvest, will I have a chance to eat?

Uh, yeah you will. And let’s just say, there will be no peanut butter on tortillas. We live the high life with camp stoves, s’mores, a lentil or two, farm-fresh produce, and, of course, nature valley bars (you think you’re sick of them?? We’ve been eating the leftovers in our office all! year!).

What should I bring with me?

Check out our equipment page for a packing list.

Will I make any friends on Harvest? 
We don’t want to over-promise, but yes: you’ll make a hundred friends, your best friends, because farmers are our friends and Harvest attracts—to put it mildly—the coolest first-years.

Does Harvest cost anything?

There is no cost to participate in Harvest, or the other Camp Yale Programs!

Who runs Harvest?

Harvest is a project of the Yale Sustainable Food Program, which you can learn about here. We hope to see you at our Yale Farm workdays and knead 2 knows! Follow @ysfp on Instagram to keep up with our work.

Who do I contact if I have questions, concerns, or new allergies/other necessary accommodations to report?

For any questions about what’ll happen on your Harvest trip, please reach out to Amara, Catie and Creed at moobahs@gmail.com or dm @yaleharvest on instagram (why not toss us a follow while you’re at it?). If you have questions about your health form, medical/allergy concerns, borrowing equipment, accommodations needed outside of what you shared on your Camp Yale Program form, or anything else, please contact Fafa at fafa.vanha@yale.edu or 203.432.2084.